
Onsite Service

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Onsite Service

No one wants to lose valuable time when their equipment is down! ACE Equipment Company's service department stands right there with you to make sure that your baler or compactor is kept at its peak efficiency and that you are ready to meet your organization's mission. We keep our service van stocked with parts and our service technician is highly skilled in getting you back in business. ACE Equipment Company uses the same, affordable parts for every service call that are used out on the production floor in Antigo, Wisconsin. No one knows how to take care of your ACE Equipment Company product better than the people who built it. Service on non-ACE Equipment Company balers and compactors is also available! Call us to schedule your next preventative maintenance visit on ACE and other manufacturers' equipment to keep your investment in tip-top shape!

Call 715-627-2400 or submit a service request today !

Ace Equipment Company provides onsite
service to keep your Compactors and Balers running at peak efficiency.


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